Opening reception: Saturday, November 19, 2005 (7pm-11pm)
Three internationally recognized artists: Ronnie Del Carmen, Enrico Casarosa, and Tadahiro Uesugi, will be exhibiting their new work in our gallery. There will be limited prints and originals available. These talented artists/friends are coming together for the first time in the US to create a show with illustrations of stunning elegance, simplicity and beauty. Ronnie and Enrico will be visiting us from Pixar and Tadahiro will be flying in all the way from Tokyo. This show was born out of the 3 artists mutual admiration for each other and a desire to do something together. Ronnie and Enrico in fact met with Tadahiro last fall in Japan where they invited him to visit them in the US. Thus with great honor we are proud to present the "Three Trees Make a Forest" show. Mark your calendars, this is a show not to be missed!
Ronnie del Carmen:
belongs to a secret society of warp science theorists who take on the task of folding space without consuming commercial energy to open up a real estate boom in the neighboring universe. Working only with deep breathing and a memorized set of Bartlet's quotations they rearrange the background hum into ringtones to fund the endeavor. Contributions are welcome. While waiting for that windfall he works as a story artist for studios like Warner Bros.., Dreamworks, and is currently at Pixar making a nuisance of himself. He lives with his wife and kids in the east bay and is not allowed too much peanut butter. He writes and draws his own comic book, Paper Biscuit.
Enrico Casarosa:
has been in the animation industry for nine years drawing storyboards that fit into large animated feature films. Currently a story artist at Pixar Animation Studios, he continues his quest to create more hours in the day by drawing alternate realities. Sooner or later his experiments will break through and we'll all have to buy new watches. In the meantime he makes do with the 24 allotted hours drawing silly autobiographical comics, designing art books and keeping up with his blog. Whenever possible he escapes on a trip with a trusty sketchbook and a set of watercolors. Enrico is also the founder of "SketchCrawl", a world wide sketching marathon event.
Tadahiro Uesugi:
was born in 1966 in Miyazaki on Kyuushuu Island, Japan. He studied fashion illustration at the Tokyo Art School's "Setsu Mode Seminar". At 28, he worked as an assistant for Manga artist Jiro Taniguchi and made his debut as an illustrator on the magazine "Magazine House". He has since created elegant illustrations with a jazzy and classical sensibility for prestigious clients in Europe, Japan and the US. His work can be seen on magazine covers, Books and a variety of other commercial products and advertising campaigns.
Tadahiro Uesugi Illustration