First Date, Anthony Holden
First Date


Artist: Anthony Holden
Exhibition: Anthony Holden & Jake Parker Signing
Art Width: 7.0" (17.78 cm)
Art Height: 5.0" (12.7 cm)
Medium: Ink and marker on bristol
Features: Signed
Year: 2016



Greg - Over the Garden Wall x Nucleus Enamel Pin
Greg - Over the Garden Wall x Nucleus Enamel Pin
When you ask a guy to dance and he says he’s there with his girlfriend so you say “she can dance with us, too”, Miranda Tacchia
When you ask a guy to dance and he says he’s there with his girlfriend so you say “she can dance with us, too”
Doodle 54 - "I can see you down there, you're not fooling anyone, buddy.", Graham Annable
Doodle 54 - "I can see you down there, you're not fooling anyone, buddy."
Mirage - J.A.W. Cooper x Nucleus Tote Bag, J.A.W. Cooper
Mirage - J.A.W. Cooper x Nucleus Tote Bag
Valley of the Cyclops - Patrick Mathews Resin Figurine, Patrick Mathews
Valley of the Cyclops - Patrick Mathews Resin Figurine