Simon Has Doubts, Anna Woltz
Simon Has Doubts


Artist: Anna Woltz
Exhibition: Power In Numbers 2
Frame Width: 5.0" (12.7 cm)
Frame Height: 7.0" (17.78 cm)
Medium: Gouache



Moth & Butterfly: Ta-Da! Back Cover, Ana Aranda
Moth & Butterfly: Ta-Da! Back Cover
Doodle 34 - The waves had been so sweet on the planet that Silver Surfer decided to tell Galactus to maybe just skip lunch that day, Graham Annable
Doodle 34 - The waves had been so sweet on the planet that Silver Surfer decided to tell Galactus to maybe just skip lunch that day
Doodle 54 - "I can see you down there, you're not fooling anyone, buddy.", Graham Annable
Doodle 54 - "I can see you down there, you're not fooling anyone, buddy."